June - September 2023: Kawuneeche Visitor Center, Rocky Mountain National Park in Grand Lake, Colorado
November 2023: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona
December 2024: The Flicks, accompanying a screening of The Beaver Believers, in Boise, Idaho
Supported by AGU Sharing Science
Rivers Illustrated is a novel art project showcasing rivers from around the United States. These illustrations are unique because they will depict rivers as they once were, before dams, diversions, draining of floodplains, and other human impacts. This project aims to provide the public with an idea of what rivers used to be, and what they could be again with preservation of the natural rivers that are left, conservation, and restoration.
Instead of illustrating specific rivers, the full-color original drawings (below) show rivers from different biomes: Southwest Mesquite Bosque, Pacific Northwest Old Growth, Alaska Tundra, Rocky Mountain Beaver Meadow, and Great Plains Shortgrass Prairie. The art will be informed by current river science, field experiences, photos, and historical accounts of  what these types of rivers used to look like. All events are free and open to the public.

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